Transparent manual packing film

Transparent manual packing film

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Stretch wrap for manual use is one of the most popular and cost-effective packaging tools. A universal solution for securing packages on pallets and protecting them from dust, moisture, dirt, damage or theft. The film is multi-layered and made only from high-quality components. It is also perfect for wrapping and sealing non-standard and bulky loads. Cardboard boxes or packages stacked on top of each other in several layers become more stable and ensure safe transportation of the cargo. Stretch film STRETCH is easy to use, uncomplicated to unpack. The packaging film is produced by casting polyethylene, so it has a uniform thickness. No additional tools are required for packaging work, the single-layer film can be easily removed by hand. For different tasks and different loads, choose the right film thickness.
By using the packaging handles, you will wrap the cargo with the packaging film efficiently and quickly. By using this packaging material, you will apply it, in principle, in any field of industry or business. It is easy to unpack the cargo from the film.
The most widely used packaging film with a thickness of 17mik will satisfy all needs for securing loads weighing more than 700kg. Packaging film - 23mk thick film is used for loads whose weight is well over 1000kg.
Measurements are given: width mm x thickness mm x length m

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Product photos are for illustrative purposes only, the original products may differ slightly from those shown in the online store.

Product name Price for the quantity
1 6 36 180 360
Stretch film 450mm/17mic/200m €3.90 €3.90 €3.86 €3.56 €3.25
Stretch film 450mm/17mic/300m €5.29 €5.29 €5.20 €5.15 €5.11
Pakavimo plėvelė 450mm/23mik/220m rankinė €5.80 €5.80 €5.59 €5.39 €5.19
Stretch film 500mm/23mic-230m €5.95 €5.95 €5.90 €5.50 €5.39
Stretch film 450mm/17mic/200m
Price for the quantity
1 €3.90
6 €3.90
36 €3.86
180 €3.56
360 €3.25
Stretch film 450mm/17mic/300m
Price for the quantity
1 €5.29
6 €5.29
36 €5.20
180 €5.15
360 €5.11
Pakavimo plėvelė 450mm/23mik/220m rankinė
Price for the quantity
1 €5.80
6 €5.80
36 €5.59
180 €5.39
360 €5.19
Stretch film 500mm/23mic-230m
Price for the quantity
1 €5.95
6 €5.95
36 €5.90
180 €5.50
360 €5.39

Tamprią plėvelę STRETCH lengva naudoti, nesudėtinga išpakuoti. Pakavimo plėvelė gaminama liejant polietileną, todėl pasižymi tolygiu storiu. Atliekant pakavimo darbus nėra reikalingas joks papildomas įrankis, vieno sluoksnio plėvelę galimą lengvai nuplėšti rankomis. Skirtingoms užduotims ir skirtingiems kroviniams, rinkitės tinkamo storio plėvelę.
Naudojant pakavimo rankenas, pakavimo plėvele krovinius apvyniosite efektyviai ir greitai.Naudojant šią pakavimo medžiagą, pritaikysite, iš esmės bet kurioje pramonės ar verslo srityj. Krovinį nesudėtinga išpakuoti iš plėvelės.
Plačiausiai naudojama 17mik storio pakavimo plėvelė, ji patenkins visus poreikius kroviniams sutvirtinti, kurių svoris siekia daugiau kaip 700kg. Pakavimo plėvelė - 23mk storio plėvelė naudojama kroviniams, kurių svoris gerokai viršija 1000kg.
Pateikiami išmatavimai : plotis mm x storis mik x ilgis m


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